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Curriculum - Machon Noar
Machon Noar Curriculum
Program Mission:
The mission of Machon Noar is to enhance and expand the middle or high school student’s Jewish educational experience and to assist in developing his or her Jewish identity. As a student reaches the
sacred time of bar or bat mitzvah, he/she begins to develop new needs as well as a more mature learning style. The Machon Noar Program is designed for flexibility to explore his/her own Jewish interests and beliefs.
7th Grade
- Sparking positive Jewish identity
- Creating Jewish friendships
- Explore the history of the Jewish from the book of Genesis
- Learn about different mitzvot that can be performed in or out of the classroom
- Learn basic Jewish values from trained high school junior and senior Gesher Leaders (peer leaders)
- Bagels each Sunday morning
- Weekly time with Gesher Peer Leaders
- Class Trip to Tennessee
- Team building field trip
- Core curriculum entitled “Promises”
- Mitzvot: Students have the opportunity to perform many of mitzvot as a class and learn ways they can perform them outside of the classroom
- Gesher (Peer Leader): Students meet regularly with Gesher Leaders (a selected group of high school juniors and seniors) to discuss peer pressure and how to find support mechanisms.
- Choose Your Own Track: Seventh graders choose from one of the following: Sports & Teamwork, Fine Arts, Science and Technology, or Social Action.
8th Grade
• Sparking positive Jewish identity
• Creating Jewish friendships
• Focus on the history of the Jewish people from the book of Exodus to the Israelites entering the Land
• Serve as assistant madrichim (teaching assistant)
• Learn the basic skills of Jewish teaching
• Learn basic Jewish values from trained high school junior and senior Gesher Leaders (peer leaders)
- Bagels each Sunday morning
- Assisting in younger student classrooms
- Weekly time with Gesher Peer Leaders
- Class Trip to Florida/New Orleans (alternating years)
- Team building field trip
- Core curriculum entitled “Journeys”
- Madrichim: Assist in the classrooms and work with students and attend regular workshops with our education staff to help build their skills in the classroom.
- Gesher (PeerLeader):Students meet regularly with Gesher Leaders (a selected group of high school juniors and seniors) to discuss peer pressure and how to find support mechanisms.
9th Grade
9th Grade
- Sparking positive Jewish identity
- Creating Jewish friendships
- To develop our teens' leadership growth through the study of Jewish texts and Jewish leaders throughout history
- Serve as assistant tzadikim (classroom advocates and kef coaches for Hebrew)
- Learn the basic skills of working with students who learn differently
- Learn basic Jewish values from trained high school junior and senior Gesher Leaders (peer leaders)
- Bagels each Sunday morning
- Assisting as classroom advocates and Hebrew assistants for elementary students
- Weekly time with Gesher Peer Leaders
- Class Trip to Florida/New Orleans (alternating years)
- Team-building program
- Learn about confronting missionaries with Temple Rabbis
- Core curriculum entitled “Identity”
- Tzadikim: Students have the opportunity to work one-on-one as a shadow to a student who learns differently, work as a classroom advocate for students with differences, or to work in the learning lab with multiple students. Additionally, student further their skills as a Jewish teacher through a curriculum that includes empathy challenges, text study and other training for working with all students.
- Gesher (PeerLeader): Students meet regularly with Gesher Leaders (a selected group of high school juniors and seniors) to discuss peer pressure and how to find support mechanisms.
Confirmation (10th Grade)
- Sparking positive Jewish identity
- Creating Jewish friendships
- Expand the confirmand’s understanding of God and explore his/her theology
- Explore the purpose of a Jewish community and understand what community can demand of an individual
- Discuss and debate the importance of a stated belief in God in being part of the Reform Jewish Community Work together to prepare a service for the entire congregation
- Bagels each Sunday morning
- Shul-in (overnight) at The Temple
- Class Trip to New York City
- Staffing the snack shuk
- Confirmation Weekend in May
- Community: Explore the worldwide Jewish community and connections to Am Yisrael, in order to better understand who we are
- God: Engage in a unit of study dealing with doubting God and being Jewish
- Reform Judaism: Critically examine what it means to be a part of the Reform Movement
Tue, January 28 2025
28 Tevet 5785
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