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Curriculum - 6th
6th Grade Curriculum
- Sparking positive Jewish identity
- Creating Jewish friendships
- Provide students with an accurate understanding of the Shoah (Holocaust)
- Teach the history of Atlanta’s Jews and American Judaism
- Assist students in discovering their own family history
Help students understand and master the Shabbat Torah and Concluding Services
- Holocaust Survivor speaker
- Field trip to Anne Frank Museum
- B’nei Mitzvah Workshop
- Adopt and memorialize a child who perished in the Shoah
- Trip to North Georgia
- Shoah/Holocaust: The sixth grade Shoah (Holocaust) curriculum provides students with an accurate, age- sensitive knowledge of the atrocities of the Shoah. Students participate in simulation games, read actual letters from victims, and discuss the events that led up to and occurred during this tragic period in our history. (Echos and Reflections: A Multimedia Curriculum on the Holocaust)
- Atlanta Jewish History and Genealogy: Sixth grade students begin their studies of more than one hundred and fifty years of Atlanta’s Jewish history. As they learn the history of our Jewish community, students come to understand the importance of recording one’s own family story to pass on from generation to generation.
- Hebrew Studies: Sixth grade students continue their liturgical studies by learning the Torah and concluding services. Midweek Hebrew students gain mastery of prayers necessary for leading their bar or bat mitzvah services. (Hineni: The New Hebrew through Prayer, Volume 3)
- Modern Hebrew: Sixth grade students learn basic conversational Hebrew. They practice greeting each other, asking about feelings, discussing daily activities and key phrases needed to communicate (How much does this cost? Where is the restroom? What time is it?). (Let’s Talk)
- Hebrew Blessings Mastered in Sixth Grade Mid-Week Hebrew: Torah Service, Aleinu, Haftarah Blessings, Kaddish
Wed, January 15 2025
15 Tevet 5785
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Wed, January 15 2025 15 Tevet 5785