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4th Grade Curriculum



  • Sparking positive Jewish identity
  • Creating Jewish friendships
  • Introduce the customs and rituals associated with the Jewish life cycles
  • Expose students to traditional rituals and practices
  • Help students understand and master basic Hebrew Blessings
  • Teach students the Shema and its blessings


  • Monthly Tefilah services
  • In-class mitzvah projects
  • Creation of their own tallit
  • Mock Wedding
  • Shul-in (Overnight) at The Temple


  • LifeCycles: Fourth grade students begin their studies of the Jewish stages or landmarks of life. In this course, students explore traditional practices, as well as modern observances. Lessons focus on Hebrew terms, blessings, and stories associated with each life cycle event. (The Journey of a Lifetime)
  • Mitzvot: Students in fourth grade are also exposed to an overview of mitzvot in Jewish life and tradition. Some topics explored are kashrut, tallit, tefillin, mikvah, and observing Shabbat. These traditional practices are taught in a respectful manner from a Reform perspective. (Teaching Mitzvot)
  • HebrewStudies: In fourth grade, Hebrew students begin their study of the Shabbat and weekday prayers and blessings. Through integrated text-based lessons, students build a vocabulary of Hebrew words and master the reading of the Shema and its blessings, as well as basic brachot. (The Back to School Hebrew Reading Refresher, Hineni: The New Hebrew through Prayer, Volume 1)
  • Hebrew Blessings Mastered in Fourth Grade Midweek Hebrew: Barchu, The Shabbat blessings, Yotzer Or, Kiddush, Shema, Birkat Hamazon, V’ahavta
Wed, January 15 2025 15 Tevet 5785